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Table 1 Body and spleen weight of Asf1b KO mice and WT littermates. Mice included in this analysis are female littermates from heterozygous crossings. The body weight, spleen weight, and spleen weight/body weight ratio are shown. The mean and standard deviation are indicated. T test p values are given

From: Mild dyserythropoiesis and β-like globin gene expression imbalance due to the loss of histone chaperone ASF1B


Body weight (g)

Spleen weight (mg)

Spleen/body weight

WT (N = 10)

25.93 ± 2.67

90.20 ± 13.54

3.50 ± 0.54

Asf1b KO (N = 8)

28.38 ± 4.26

124.13 ± 28.09

4.56 ± 1.77

p value


< 0.05


  1. NS not significant